Monster Adventure

द एभरेष्ट पोष्ट
१७ असोज २०८१ ६:३४
Monster Adventure

Abhinav Upadhyay

A 19 years old boy named Ace was bored with his normal life. So, one evening he decided to go hiking and camp there for the night. While he was climbing the hill, he saw a strange blue light shining in the bushes. The sun was about to set.

Ace got a bit confused so he went a bit near. Soon it felt like the portal was pulling him. He tried to run in the opposite direction as fast as he could but his efforts were in vain. The portals pulled him and he went unconscious. After he woke up, he noticed that the area he is in is totally different than the hill he was in.

He looked up in the sky and saw that is afternoon he immediately knew that he was unconscious for a few days. He picked up his bag pack and started walking towards the direction the sun was setting which he knew was west. He saw some weird creatures some were flying; some were walking and some were swimming in the lakes and rivers nearby.

He avoided them and kept walking. As the sun was about to set his worries came to an end as he saw a city. He ran as fast as he could towards the city. He saw some people talking so he went near them and asked ‘’Do you understand me? “They mockingly said yeah we can we are not an alien. He got a bit happy knowing that they can understand him. He asked again ‘What are those creatures?’ ‘Do they hurt us?’. they said what are you a baby? Then one said they are called paradion you idiot. They also said that you can apparently tame / catch one by using something called a paradisk.

He now knew that this isn’t his planet or universe because the Milky Way galaxy did not had another planet with greenery with life on it So he asked ‘what is this planets name?’ They said where were you raised? Then one of them said you idiot this planets name is Paradise. Then one of them said what age are you? Ace said 19. Then they said do you have a paradion? Before he could answer one of them said ‘you don’t even know what a paradion is you don’t have one right?’ He said ‘yes I don’t have one’.

They said that professor Mark is giving everyone a paradion if they want to a paradion trainer. He asked where? They said there and pointed at a direction. Soon he reached a lab he went inside. A professor greeted him. He said that you have 3 choices and all of them are random so pick wisely. But before he could pick professor stopped him and said about Rarity Rank. there are 9 Ranks they are common, uncommon, rare, very rare, epic, heroic, ancient, legendary and God.

He also told about types to Ace. If you have a common then it can control 1 element since it is 1st in the rank. Then professor Mark let him pick his starter paradion. Ace was about to go with the second one but it felt like a connection between the 1st paradion so he picked the 1st one. The professor said that his paradions types are Dark, Rock, Metal, Fire , and one of the strongest types Dragon . Ace got happy.

Then he became even more happy when Mark said that the rank is epic. Mark then said that his paradions name is Ele-rex. Then Ace got 10 paradisks from Mark an then he headed out. While walking around he saw the same people who told him about paradions so he went near to thank them. but when he got near he heard that strange blue portals have been sighted and that people have gone missing. After Ace heard that he quickly rushed and asked ‘where? Where? ‘They said in the paradis region. He asked the ways to get there. They said plane or paradion championship. Ace did not have money so he had to pick the second one.

He asked is the championship free? They said yes itis free. then he asked them is there a paradion championship in this town? They said yes. Ace asked where? They said go to that direction and pointed towards a direction. When he was walking night fell so he slept near a tree in his sleeping bag and in the morning, he went to the place the people pointed towards and saw a massive arena looking structure. He was about to enter but the guard stopped him and asked how many paradions do you have. Ace said one.

Then the guard said sorry you must have 10 paradion to enter. So, Ace went to a jungle to catch and train paradions. While training Ace thought that do, I really want to go back? I mean no one is waiting for me since I am an orphan. The world is boring its just read, work, eat, sleep, wake up, eat, read, work, eat. Its only that. Then Ace made up his mind to become the champion. Just then the portal suddenly appeared and sucked Ace in and he went unconscious.

Ace was woken up by a strange and rough lick on his face. When he opened his eyes, he saw that it was Ele-rex. He thought that I should probably put Ele-rex in my paradisk. But he didn’t. He walked around but he heard growls and roars from the bushes. Then suddenly a paradion jumps on top of Ace. Before he could even react the paradion got teleported back. Ace was shocked to see that. Then a floating type of box or something just appears out of nowhere. There were 3 options
(1) Attack (2) Bag and (3) Paradion.

He was shocked that it was like a game. He clicked bag because he didn’t have his paradisk and there they were just laying in the bag. He clicked fight and defeated the paradion called Saberlion. He defeated many more paradions and then Ele-rex evolved. It was a bigger t-rex. But its personality was like the same. He did not know the name so he named it Drago-rex. But he didn’t know that every time a paradion evolves their rank and type go up by one. So, the cute little epic Ele-rex was a Heroic. Then Ace noticed a strange flying thing in the corner of his eyes he clicked it then it showed him some options.

One of the options were paradion so he clicked it. It showed one paradion which was Drago-rex. He clicked Drago-rex’s page which said that he had 6 types in instead of 5. And the new type was ghost. He clicked the option labeled as Help. He clicked it and saw that every time a paradion evolves their rank and type go up by one but he also learned that if a paradion with ’Murderous’ personality defeats him in battle the paradion kills him. He was scared that he carelessly fought so many paradion and some of them might have been Murderous.

But he did not know that the universe was in a crisis. When a portal teleports around 1 to 10 people it is fine and does not take a tremendous amount of energy but anymore than 10 then it takes a lot and lots of energy. And the problem is that the tower which controls all the portals are controlled by something sinister.

But some of you reading this might have some thought like Who controls the universe? Or like what controls the tower that controls the portals? Or why are there 2 universes with paradions? Or even like what happens if the energy runs out? Etc. The answer of the 1st is that a Multidimensional being controls the universe. The answer of the second one a Multidimensional Demon controls the tower that portals.

The answer of the 3rd one there is another planet like paradise because there is a game version of every universe and so while don’t know there might be a game version of earth. The answer of the last question what happens if the energy runs out? The answer is that if the energy runs out the portals stop working. Now let’s get back to the story, shall we? As He walks around, he sees a city. He walks towards the city. Then he saw a hoard of Saberlion around he saved. He tried to defeat them with his level 40 got overwhelmed by many level 35.

He was killed and eaten by the Saberlion. As the opened his eyes he saw that the hoard of Saberlion were eating something or rather someone! Ace looked at the body which was seemingly his. He ran away as fast as he can. He stopped to take a breath. Then he started looking for options that could help him. Ace clicked something called hitbox then he could see the personality, health bar etc. He clicked on help. Then he saw that you have to equip the new type for it to work.

After that Ace quickly equipped the ghost type and then he saw something horrifying a hoard of hitbox of Saberlion with Murderous as a personality. He forgot that species of dogs and cat have incredible sense of smell. He climbed up a tree and said Drago-rex to use sweet smell to hide his smell. The hoard came and after a long battle they won then Drago-rex evolved again after 20 levels becoming Draco. Ace walked back to the city.

Then he heard some noise. He quickly took out Draco and started looking around. Then some utensils fell inside of a house which got his attention. He went in the house to see that there are people alive. He said loudly ‘’you are safe now I defeated the Saberlions’’. Everyone came out to see that the city was empty. There were no Saberlions left. Everyone rejoiced. Then a portal showed up an and spitted someone out who Ace knows.

Ace ran towards the body. Ace took care of the boy until he woke up. When the boy woke up, he recognized Ace. Ace said Liam it’s been so long since we met. Liam said yeah but where are we? Ace said in an= probably in another multiverse. Actually, Ace was an orphan living in an orphanage with Liam. They both talked. Then Liam revealed that he is a hacker.

Ace got shocked. Then Liam said can you catch a Paradion for me. Ace said why not. Then ace caught and leveled up a Saberlion. Liam said I will try to hack this world because this is like a game. And it worked. Liam hacked Draco and Saberlion and made them GOD rarity. They also got the knowledge that a creature controls the portals.

So, they went to defeat it. Liam hacked in to the portal and opened a portal to the creature. When they went in they saw a huge creature when the creature saw them and the battle started. They both did a lot of damage but Saberlion was defeated then finally when the health was low of the creature Liam hacked the world again and got a God paradisk he gave that to Ace and Ace caught it. Liam said let’s look at the new friend we got.

He let out the creature and the creature killed Liam Ace screamed nooooooo. But is was already done. His friend was killed by the creature but the creature did not kill Ace. Ace let the creature go in the paradisk and looked at the page to see that it says ’’if any person has killed or will kill people in the future it will kill them on sight’’.

Ace thought that it had something to do with the Hacking part. So, Ace hacked the portal and went back to Paradise. And became the champion.

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